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SoftTime Attendance Software (desktop)

Make complicated tasks easy with our attendance tracking solution.

iPhone Side 1

Easy to Use

SoftTime is so simple to use that many of our customers never even open the comprehensive user manual. Completing tasks is as easy as click, drag, and drop!

Exports data to your payroll.

Eliminates duplicate data entry. SoftTime exports data to your payroll software with ease. Simply select employees, the date range and the files you want to export – that’s all there is to it.
iPhone Side 1
iPhone Side 1

Advanced reporting features.

Over 30 useful reports are available that can be printed, previewed or emailed.

Complete customizable Attendance information

SoftTime tracks every aspect of a variety of absences. Track vacation, personal time, lateness, illness, family leave, holidays and a variety of customizable categories.
iPhone Side 1
iPhone Side 1

Employee Information.

SoftTime saves and displays extensive information for each employee, helping you to get the information you need when you need it.The Employee View Mode allows your employees simple, limited access so they can view their own recorded and remaining vacation time, without having to call you! You can customize security levels to ensure employees see only what you want them to.

Contacting the Good People at Software Techniques.

Do you have questions or comments about our Human Resource Software solutions? Would you like to discuss the services that only Software Techniques can provide? If so, please complete the following short form and we will respond promptly.

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